Saturday, April 24, 2010

How much skin lightening creme cost?

I want be pretty

How much skin lightening creme cost?
Hello you can get it $8.99 cheaper than anyone. The whitening cream is from diana stalder and a very well known brand and most phil celebrity use the same brand...Check it out and see the customers nice testimonials from their wonderful satisfied customers...
Reply:You're a troll ******...

Blaze look diamond just showed up!! LOL
Reply:Mia Long
Reply:You must be mentally ill. And I mean that.
Reply:Skin lightening cream will only make you a lighter idiot.
Reply:Crayon is a bargain.
Reply:Tell me you are joking! This is a damn shame that you feel this way if you are being truthful..I don't think lighter skin is prettier. I'm black/hispanic and I have darker skin and white guys LOVE me, they think I'm so exotic and they love my dark skin, hair, and eyes. Grow up. Isn't this sad..I'm 15 and your probably a grownass woman.
Reply:It costs just about the same as it would cost you for 45 minutes at a tanning salon. In other words the cream is much cheaper. Thanks for your time.
Reply:Wow, Mia..... you are such and idiot. Same to you Blazer.... you are a STUPID FCUK
Reply:you go girl strive to be the best
Reply:you're that Mia Long girl! Yeah you are!!! ahahahaahahahahaha.

But..........light skin isn't always pretty. I mean ive seen some ugly and pretty looking light skinned girls. I like the way i look and i'm brown skinned. (proud! ghehehehe)

I think you want to be white, lol. Thats what it looks like. what a shame, sorry dear. You're black, get over it.
Reply:gloryus is a jackass

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